Dirt within your heating system can cause all sorts of problems and it’s very important you get it removed straight away. Although the majority of companies now install a dirt separator within your boiler, when it comes to maximising its system efficiency the best thing to do is install a deaerator.
There are predominantly three types of air within your boiler, free air, dissolved gases and micro bubbles. Micro bubbles tend to evolve and congregate around the heat exchanger as the water is heated. Although they pose no threat, they can hinder the flow rate and disrupt the overall efficiency of your boiler.
The dissolved gases are primarily made up of oxygen and nitrogen and as the oxygen combines with the water, it can cause corrosion. By installing a deaerator, you are not only removing the air, but also the dirt which is one of the main symptoms.
There are many ways you can remove the air; however, it is important to choose a method that will have a long term effect. You can remove it manually but this will only be temporary as do automatic air vents, as they close when the system is on and running.
It is ideal you install a deaerator to ensure a lasting solution to your boiler and fitting one to your boiler will save you money and problems in the future. To install it domestically, you must place it within the hottest point in the system, where the water exits the boiler. How it works is that it separates and removes small and large air bubbles from the water and then proceeds to remove them from the system.
By installing a deaerator you reduce your energy emissions and end up with lower fuel bills, along with fewer repairs needed.